Category Archive: Plot Summary

Summaries of multiple mission dispatches/flight logs or of important points in KSA history

May 12 2017

Civvie Prototype Service History

Due to the limitations of surface living after the asteroid strike, building airports from which to launch fixed-wing aircraft was not a feasible idea. The natural caverns that were found and enlarged to hold what remained of kerbal civilization were massive in their depth but none of them were long enough near the surface to allow for runways here either. In this time, the airship became the best means of long-distance transportation as they could be inflated within the huge caverns and travel vertically through tunnels to the surface. Even before kerbals were forced underground the technology for fixed-wing flight was only in its infancy, and mostly had ended in failure for the few brave souls who attempted it. With the construction of the KSC, the first permanent surface habitation since the asteroid strike, the opportunity arose at last once again to attempt flight with a fully rigid structure.

In conjunction with C7 aerospace, the KSA worked to develop a very basic single-engine aircraft designed to be slow and easy to fly, with the aim of marketing it to any kerbal who wanted to learn how to take to the skies, hence it was nicknamed the “Civvie”, which stuck as its official title. The aircraft was put through its paces by test pilots Commander Valentina and Captain Jebediah, who both crashed the aircraft at least once, severely in some cases. But the airframe was built extra-strong to handle any mishaps and keep the pilot as safe as possible – an emergency parachute was even used to assist with landings at first. Over time, with more flight experience, the aircraft began to live up to the promises of its design, and a new era of flight began.

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Feb 14 2017

KSC Shutdown Due to Health Concerns

The Disease Management Organization has concluded its analysis of the air samples, blood samples and surface samples it has taken from KSC and its employees over this past week. It looks like a normally harmless bacteria has mutated slightly in the generations since kerbals have lived on the surface and has been infecting kerbs here at KSC over the past few weeks. On its own, it causes minor symptoms from coughing to shortness of breath to dizziness and several kerbs have been struck by it lately but none were incapacitated enough to actually check in to the medical center. Recently however trees from the Grasslands to the west have been releasing a large amount of pollen into the air, and kerbs spending more time out west in the Grasslands (field researchers, mostly) were the first to become affected, as the pollen brought about a mild allergic reaction in almost everyone that then allowed the bacterial infection to also grow more serious as the body defended from attacks on two fronts. The entire of KSC was affected after a large wind storm passed through the area, stripping large amounts of pollen from trees and depositing it over KSC.

It’s actually not so surprising that we might encounter diseases on the surface that are slightly or even extremely mutated from pathogens that were encountered in the past when surface living was more widespread. Given that the Kerbal Space Center is the one location on the surface were kerbs have lived above ground for an extended period of time, if any sort of epidemic were to happen it would happen here. The tree pollen especially is something that kerbals haven’t had to deal with for a few generations – underground there are moss spores but no trees.

The bacterial infection that began this whole ordeal needs to be purged from the KSC – surface swabs have found colonies growing in various places around the campus and the entire facility will need to be decontaminated. The DMO expects this to take a week at least, so we will be moving all staff to a quarantine facility in Umbarg City where everyone will be checked over and cleared of bacterial infection while the KSC itself is also cleaned. We hope to be back at KSC by Feb 27th.

All of our sick are being treated for the bacterial infection and are recovering well. We did have one death of an elderly staff member but an autopsy has since shown it to be from natural causes and not directly related to the bacterial infection.

Moving forward once operations resume, we will be setting up better medical protocols for field researchers returning from science expeditions as well as for UTV teams returning from balloon launches. Air quality monitors will let us know when pollen levels become high enough to cause problems. Living on the surface certainly brings back old challenges, but we’re working to adapt once more.

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Dec 08 2016

“Perfect Storm” Hits KSC

KSC afloat in the sea

KSC afloat in the sea

Last weekend saw some frightful conditions here at Cape Kernaveral as winds, rain and rising flood waters threatened to completely inundate the Kerbal Space Center. KSC is built on a low-lying section of land along the shore of the Kerblantic Ocean. We don’t see widespread floods often but there are areas around the Cape that do suffer partial flooding during high tides if the winds are also high enough to push water inland and also when enough rain falls over the mountains to the west the eventual runoff finds its way down past the KSC on its way to the ocean, forming temporary streams.

However last week all those elements came together at once to produce a massive tidal surge and local flooding the likes we have not seen before. It started with a large storm out to sea that created a surge in water levels due to high winds as it moved northwest of us. Upper air currents dragged moisture over the mountains to the west, and the rain that fell there made its way down to us over the course of a day. Caught in between these two weather patterns, things were made worse by a high tide as Mun rose overhead.

Meteorologists still don’t know what caused the storm out to sea, so we can’t say for sure whether this is a situation that will strike again. Surely it’s unlikely all three events will coincide in this manner anytime in the near future, but rough weather out to sea is something that could be a concern to us once we start launching eastwards again in a bid for space or orbit. The Maritime Service is currently working with the Kerbin Meteorological Society to investigate sea conditions following the storm.

KSC is built on average 2m above the surrounding ground, which thankfully saved it from getting inundated by the rising flood waters. Wind damage was minimal, and all objects that could have become damaging airborne debris were taken inside at the start of the storm. The Support Village suffered a small amount of water damage to its ground floors, which are still being repaired and expect to be finished next week. All in all we lucked out, and hope nothing similar is coming our way anytime soon!

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