This is how the KSA manages mods. It’s quite simple – check the forums regularly and update whatever needs updating. Version numbers are noted so it’s easy to check for updates, although mod authors routinely post notices in their forum threads. Due to the customization of how the GameData folder is configured, automatic install programs are not usable – and manual install is preferred anyways. Reference notes and links provide extra useful information for mods where needed. The install order is noted so any issue that appear can be quickly hunted down by back-tracking recently-installed mods.
Outdated mod that is still being supported
Outdated mod that is no longer being supported
Physics & Realisms
Show Mods In UseStock engine response time
Stock SRB thrust curves
Stock solar panel degradation
- v0.16.0.1
- Scott Manley video demonstration of FAR build window
- FAR Wiki
- FAR video tutorials, including graph analysis tools
- Graphic Analysis Tutorial
- Derivatives helper interactive site
- Fix for meshes that show up wrong in wave drag view
- v1.4.8
- Stock LES thrust transforms to steer clear of capsule
- Remove any parachute parts from stock categories
@PART[*]:HAS[~category[none],@MODULE[ModuleParachute]]:NEEDS[RealChute]:FINAL { @category = none }
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Next
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v4.1.15
- v2.0.1.1
- v2.0.0.5
- v13.3.2
- v4.0.3 stock configs
- SLS-125 Bearcat config
- Sounding Rockets 0.35m SRBs config
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.3.2
- v3.12
- QoL formula
- Adjust failure rate
- Environment radiation formula
- Radiation environment spreadsheet
- Undocumented entertainment values
- Universal Storage config
- Workaround for Pathfinder, MOLE and Buffalo
- Life support consumption rates
- Radiation shielding calculations
- Making science experiments transmissable
- SSPX enhanced support patch
- Kerbalism Lab Experiments Expanded
- v1.27
- Details on stacking configs
- See whats in a storage box without an EVA
- MM config example
- Wearable KIS Props
- v1.1
- Get rid of extra parts in the Utilities tab when CCK is installed
@PART[*]:HAS[#category[Utility],#tags[*cck-eva-items*]] { @category = none }
- Pro Props
- v1.0
- Parts
need theirKASModuleGrab
modules commented out - KIS patches
- Show in the EVA Items tab when CCK is installed
@PART[*]:HAS[#category[none],#manufacturer[Pro?Props]] { tags = cck-eva-items }
- This module has been deprecated so remove it on older EVA props
@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[KASModuleGrab]] { !MODULE[KASModuleGrab] {} }
- v1.7
- Expanded attachables
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v2.15.0
- Extended configs
- v2.0.4
- v1.19
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v3.2f
- Using KSP v1.4.3 release
- v0.2
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.16.14.33
- Solar Panel Degradation
- Decaying Solar Panels
- Improved Tree Engine Placement
- (Semi-) Saturatable Reaction Wheels
- Rational HydroDynamics
- Kerbal Weather Project
- Solar Cycle Simulator
- Orbital Decay
- Akme Fuel Depot—Kerbified Real-ish Fuels
- Beamed Power
- Secondary Motion
- Better SRBs
- PrunePhysics
- Descent Mode
- Realistic Resources
- Tilt’Em (Planetary axial tilt)
- Photon Sailor
- Ker-Plunk!
- Hydrogen Compression
- TAC Life Support
- BDArmory
- KerbalSocial
- BetterLives
- Real Airplanes
- BackgroundProcessing
- K-Radiation
- Civilian Population
- KSP Sanity
- JDiminishingRTG
- Airlock
- kappa-ray
- PersistentThrust
- Part Failure
- Exhaust Recycling
- Kerbal Wind
- USI Life Support
- KerbalFeels
- SimpleNuclear
- Kermanhouse Electric: Nuclear Reactors
- Vaguely Realistic
- Planet Shine
- N.A.N.A Wildfire
- Radioactivity
- HullBreach
- Kerbal Weather Systems
- EVA Fuel
- Engine Ignitor
- PersistentRotation
- G-Effects
- Kerbal Launch Failure
- BARIS – Building A Rocket Isn’t Simple
- KeepFit
- Kerbal Krash System
Career & Contracts
Show Mods In Use- v1.28.0
- Editing contract configs with MM
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v2.8.2.6
- v9.4
- v1.1.20.0
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations
- v3.7.2.1
Contract Pack: Exploration Plus
- v1.0.2
Contract Pack: Additional Progression Contracts s
- Using KSP v1.3 release
- v1.1.1
Parts & Interiors
Show Mods In Use- v3.2.7.1
- Poodmund’s SRB adjustments
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v6.6.0
- HX & Legacy Packs also installed
- Docking Procedure using the M27 Cockpit with RPM
- Solar panel KIS rebalance
- 1.3.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.16
- Propulsion
- v1.3.1
- Electrical
- v1.2.1
- Solar
- v1.3.0
- Construction
- v1.3.1
- Spacecraft
- v1.4.1
- Launch Vehicles
- v2.1.2
- Aeronautics
- 2.1.0
- Exploration
- v1.1.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.8.1
- Alternate textures
- Alternate textures
- Slimmer fairing bases
- Allow the interstage base to actually decouple
@PART[KzInterstageAdapter2] { fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple sound_decoupler_fire = decouple @MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { @ejectionForce = 250 @explosiveNodeID = top @isTweakable = True } }
Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX)
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v2.8.0.4
- Second config in patch missing closing brace
- Realistic config for electric propeller
- v7.17.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.15.2
- NFE RTG config
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.3.29.5
- fixes the position of the Kossak internal inside the radial Osaul cockpit
- missing stock texture in 1.8.1 needs to be copied from older KSP version
- Using KSP v1.1.3 release
- v4.4
- Using only KSC vehicles
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v2.0.2
- Vernier fix
- 1.9 compatability patches
- v1.3.6
- Using KSP v1.0.4 release
- vA.02f
- v1.2.1 patches
- Side nodes
- v1.4.0
- FAR fins config
- RealChute config
- Make launch stick a decoupler
@PART[SR_LaunchStick] { stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR !MODULE[USI_Falloff] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler anchorName = anchor ejectionForce = 0 explosiveNodeID = srf } }
- RealPlume configs for boosters
Show Configs// SRM-L @PART[SR_Rocket_35_02]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen]:FINAL { // disable the automatic detachment of the booster //!MODULE[USI_DropTank] { } // for use with Kerbal Krash System //!MODULE[ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other] { } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other _toleranceScaling = 3.0 _malleability = 1.5 } %EFFECTS { %Solid-Lower { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { //Get the inputs from the other config. transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.05 fixedScale = 0.25 name = flare modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.2 emission = 1.0 2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1.5 offset = 0 energy = 0.0 0.1 energy = 1.0 0.1 size = 0.0 0.6 size = 1.0 0.6 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { //Get the inputs from the other config. transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-.05 fixedScale = .2 energy = 0.65 speed = 1.25 name = plume modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster fixedEmissions = false sizeClamp = 50 randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.1 density = 0 1 } logGrow { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 0.0 density = 0.8 0.5 density = 0.46 0.75 density = 0.2 1 density = 0.1 2 density = 0.0 3 } linGrow { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.46 1 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.05 7 density = 0.0 7 } speed { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.46 2.5 density = 0.2 2.5 density = 0.05 3 density = 0.0 3 } xyForce { density = 1 0.95 density = 0.24 0.9 density = 0.0 1 } emission { density = 1.0 4.0 density = 0.8 3.5 density = 0.2 3.5 density = 0.1 2.9 density = 0.05 2.3 density = 0.0 2.25 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.3 2 density = 0.05 0.5 density = 0.0 0.5 } size { density = 1.0 0.8 density = 0.8 0.65 density = 0.2 0.55 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.05 fixedScale = 0.25 name = smoke modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokebooster speed = 1.0 0.75 grow = 0.0 0 grow = 1.0 0.1 renderMode = "Billboard" collide = true physical = true collideRatio = 0 stickiness = 0.5 sizeClamp = 100 angle = 0.0 1.0 angle = 45.0 1.0 angle = 50.0 1.0 distance = 0.0 1.0 distance = 100.0 1.0 distance = 110.0 1.0 logGrow { density = 1.0 20 density = 0.1 25 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.8 2.5 density = 0.46 3 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 5 } linGrow { density = 1.0 0 density = 0.46 0 density = 0.2 0 density = 0.05 5 density = 0.0 10 } emission { density = 1.0 5.0 density = 0.05 4 density = 0.0 0 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 3 density = 0.3 3 density = 0.05 0.1 density = 0.0 0.0 } size { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.8 1.2 density = 0.6 2 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.0 7 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.5 fixedScale = 0.1 name = slag modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.05 emission = 1.0 0.2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1 offset = 1 size = 0.0 0.2 size = 1.0 0.2 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.4 density = 0.5 0.8 density = 0.1 1 density = 0 1 } xyForce { density = 1 0.9 density = 0.35 0.93 density = 0.0 1 } energy { density = 1.0 6 density = 0.3 5 density = 0.05 2 density = 0.0 1.5 } } } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Solid-Lower } } // SRM-S @PART[SR_Rocket_35_01]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] { !MODULE[ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other] { } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other _toleranceScaling = 3.0 _malleability = 1.5 } %EFFECTS { %Solid-Upper { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.05 fixedScale = 0.23 name = flare modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.2 emission = 1.0 2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1 offset = 0 energy = 0.0 0.1 energy = 1.0 0.1 size = 0.0 0.6 size = 1.0 0.6 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,0 fixedScale = 0.2 energy = 0.35 speed = 1.25 name = plume modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster fixedEmissions = false sizeClamp = 50 randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.4 density = 0 1 } logGrow { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 0.0 density = 0.8 1.5 density = 0.46 2 density = 0.2 2 density = 0.1 2 density = 0.0 5 } linGrow { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.46 1 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.05 7 density = 0.0 7 } speed { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.46 2.5 density = 0.2 2.5 density = 0.05 3 density = 0.0 3 } xyForce { density = 1 0.95 density = 0.24 0.9 density = 0.0 1 } emission { density = 1.0 4.0 density = 0.8 3.5 density = 0.2 3.5 density = 0.1 2.9 density = 0.05 2.3 density = 0.0 2.25 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.3 2 density = 0.05 0.5 density = 0.0 0.5 } size { density = 1.0 0.8 density = 0.8 0.65 density = 0.2 0.55 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.05 fixedScale = 0.13 name = smoke modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokebooster speed = 1.0 0.75 grow = 0.0 0 grow = 1.0 0.1 renderMode = "Billboard" collide = true physical = true collideRatio = 0 stickiness = 0.5 sizeClamp = 100 angle = 0.0 1.0 angle = 45.0 1.0 angle = 50.0 1.0 distance = 0.0 1.0 distance = 100.0 1.0 distance = 110.0 1.0 logGrow { density = 1.0 10 density = 0.1 15 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.8 2.5 density = 0.46 3 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 5 } linGrow { density = 1.0 0 density = 0.46 0 density = 0.2 0 density = 0.05 5 density = 0.0 10 } emission { density = 1.0 5.0 density = 0.05 4 density = 0.0 0 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 3 density = 0.3 3 density = 0.05 0.1 density = 0.0 0.0 } size { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.8 1.2 density = 0.6 2 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.0 7 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { //Get the inputs from the other config. transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.1 fixedScale = 0.1 name = slag modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.05 emission = 1.0 0.2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1 offset = 1 size = 0.0 0.2 size = 1.0 0.2 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.4 density = 0.5 0.8 density = 0.1 1 density = 0 1 } xyForce { density = 1 0.9 density = 0.35 0.93 density = 0.0 1 } energy { density = 1.0 6 density = 0.3 5 density = 0.05 2 density = 0.0 1.5 } } } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Solid-Upper } } // SRM-XL @PART[SR_Rocket_625_01]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen]:FINAL { !MODULE[USI_DropTank] { } !MODULE[ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other] { } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbalKrashSystem_Other _toleranceScaling = 3.0 _malleability = 1.5 } %EFFECTS { %Solid-Lower { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { //Get the inputs from the other config. transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.2 fixedScale = 0.4 name = flare modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.2 emission = 1.0 2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1.5 offset = 0 energy = 0.0 0.1 energy = 1.0 0.1 size = 0.0 0.6 size = 1.0 0.6 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { //Get the inputs from the other config. transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.1 fixedScale = .45 energy = 0.8 speed = 1.5 name = plume modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/KWbooster fixedEmissions = false sizeClamp = 50 randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.1 density = 0 1 } logGrow { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 0.0 density = 0.8 0.5 density = 0.46 0.75 density = 0.2 1 density = 0.1 2 density = 0.0 3 } linGrow { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.46 1 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.05 7 density = 0.0 7 } speed { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.46 2.5 density = 0.2 2.5 density = 0.05 3 density = 0.0 3 } xyForce { density = 1 0.95 density = 0.24 0.9 density = 0.0 1 } emission { density = 1.0 4.0 density = 0.8 3.5 density = 0.2 3.5 density = 0.1 2.9 density = 0.05 2.3 density = 0.0 2.25 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.3 2 density = 0.05 0.5 density = 0.0 0.5 } size { density = 1.0 0.8 density = 0.8 0.65 density = 0.2 0.55 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,8 fixedScale = 0.35 name = smoke modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokebooster speed = 1.75 grow = 0.0 0 grow = 1.0 0.1 renderMode = "Billboard" collide = true physical = true collideRatio = 0 stickiness = 0.5 sizeClamp = 100 angle = 0.0 1.0 angle = 45.0 1.0 angle = 50.0 1.0 distance = 0.0 1.0 distance = 100.0 1.0 distance = 110.0 1.0 logGrow { density = 1.0 20 density = 0.1 25 density = 0.0 2 } logGrowScale { density = 1.0 2 density = 0.8 2.5 density = 0.46 3 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.1 3 density = 0.0 5 } linGrow { density = 1.0 0 density = 0.46 0 density = 0.2 0 density = 0.05 5 density = 0.0 10 } emission { density = 1.0 5.0 density = 0.05 4 density = 0.0 0 power = 1 1 power = 0.01 0.2 power = 0 0 } energy { density = 1.0 3 density = 0.3 3 density = 0.05 0.1 density = 0.0 0.0 } size { density = 1.0 1 density = 0.8 1.2 density = 0.6 2 density = 0.2 3 density = 0.0 7 } } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { transformName = ThrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,-0.5 fixedScale = 0.1 name = slag modelName = Squad/FX/SRB_Large emission = 0.0 0 emission = 0.01 0.05 emission = 1.0 0.2 speed = 0.0 1 speed = 1.0 1 offset = 1 size = 0.0 0.2 size = 1.0 0.2 fixedEmissions = false randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0.2 randConeEmit { density = 1 0.4 density = 0.5 0.8 density = 0.1 1 density = 0 1 } xyForce { density = 1 0.9 density = 0.35 0.93 density = 0.0 1 } energy { density = 1.0 6 density = 0.3 5 density = 0.05 2 density = 0.0 1.5 } } } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Solid-Lower } }
- Decoupler instead of stack separator
+PART[SR_Decoupler] { @name = SR_DecouplerBottom @title = Mini Stack Decoupler - Bottom (0.35m) @cost = 35 @MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { @isOmniDecoupler = false explosiveNodeID = bottom } } +PART[SR_Decoupler] { @name = SR_DecouplerTop @title = Mini Stack Decoupler - Top (0.35m) @cost = 35 @MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { @isOmniDecoupler = false explosiveNodeID = top } }
- Get rid of run-once for science experiments
@PART[SR_Payload_*]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] { @rerunnable = True } }
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.9.1.2
- v1.4.0
- Using KSP v1.2.2 release
- v0.41
- Using KSP 1.6.1 release
- v1.13.2
- v4.1.1
- Alternate skins
Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
- v1.4.0
USI Freight Transport Technologies
- v1.4.0
Multipurpose Express Pallet System
- Using KSP v1.7.x release
- v0.5
- Also using cargo floors (KSP v0.25)
NASA IXS Class Warpship and Spacedocks
- v0.5.0.2
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.11.4.5
SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.2.0.1
- Textures Unlimited cfg
- Make Atomic Age reactors consume EnrichedUranium in a manner similar to NFE
- Atomic Age NuclearJetEngine (NJE) new behaviour
Kip Engineering
- Non-Androgynous Docking Port Set
- v0.2
- Universal Docking Ports
- Using KSP v1.0.5 release
- v1.1.1
- Using KSP v1.0.5 release
- v2.2.3
- KSP v1.2.2 config
- v1.3.15
Deep Space Exploration Vessels
- v3.5.0
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v1.4.1
- Texture load errors?
- v1.3
- v1.2.0
- MFT patches
- Ox to Lox
- hydrolox lander engines
- Methane and Methalox fuels for the trusses from Near Future Construction
- Using KSP v1.4.1 release
- v1.9
- v1.8.9.3
- Tweakscale configs
- Scramjet tutorial
- 1.5.1
- v1.6.12
Lithobrake Exploration Technologies
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v0.4
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v1.16
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.2
- v0.6.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- Waterfall configs
- v0.12.50.162
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.2.11.2
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v2.4.8.18
- Stock Config PR
- Tech tree cfg
- v1.7.1
- Using KSP v1.3.1 release
- v0.8
SDHI Strobe-O-Matic Warning Rotator Light
- v1.0.1
- Using KSP v1.4.5 release
- DarkSideTechnology
- v1.1
- Mk1-A
- v0.2.5
- Downloaded repo
- RT configs
USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies
- v1.0.5
- Using KSP v1.2.2 release
- v3.01
Version2.0 Industries Rovers Pack
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v2.0.0
PanzerLabs AeroSpace K-Sat Series
- Using KSP v1.3.1 release
- v1.1.1
- Asphalt Tiles
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v1.2
- Portable Science Crate
- Using KSP v1.1.2 release
- v1.0
- Droptank “Wrapper”
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v1.0
Dr. Kermnassus’ Parts Emporium
- v0.0.1
- Using KSP v1.2.2 release
- v1.01
- v3.0.1
- v0.5.3
Mark One Laboratory Extensions (M.O.L.E.)
- v1.25.0
- Video tutorial
ION RCS & Pulsed Plasma Thrusters
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.1.10.0
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v1.4
- Using KSP v1.1.3 release
- v1.0
Radial Engine for spacecraft – T.G.O.L group
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- 1.1
- 1.4.0
- v2.1
- Dark texture set
- OPT Reconfig v2.1.1
- OPT Legacy v2.2
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v26.5
- CTT rebalance v0.8
- Textures Unlimited cfg
- FAR config
- KSPWheel support
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.0.5.0
- v2.8.6
PEBKAC Industries: Launch Escape System
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.4.2
- Using KSP v1.3.1 release
- v9.0
- Tweakscale exponent config
Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.2.0.2
- v1.4.0
- How the port settings work
- v0.1.1
- Using KSP v1.2.2 release
- v1.2.1
- Using KSP v1.1.3 release
- v0.3
- KSP v1.2 patch
- v1.0.1
- v2.0.0
- Using KSP v1.3.1 Release
- v1.1.1
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v1.7.0
- v0.5
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v0.91
“Streamline” Engines, Fueltanks and RCS
- Using KSP v1.6.1 Release
- v1.2
- v1.8.2
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v1.1
Triple-Z Radio Astronomy Telescope
- Using KSP v1.9.1 Release
- v1.0.5
- v1.1.1.2
- v1.11.0 plugin
- v1.3.0 part pack
- v0.6.1
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v1.0
- v1.0.1
- v0.1.0
- v1.1.9
ASET/RPM for Falcon cockpit v0.8 (Airplane Plus pack)
- v1.2.2
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- 1.2.11
Automated Aerial Refueling System
- Using KSP 1.7.2 release
- v0.5
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.1.6.3
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v1.2.1
- v2.0.5
- Using KSP v1.2.1 release
- v1.1
- v0.1.14.1
- Using KSP v1.7.0 release
- beta release
2m Aircraft Fuselage with Deployable Airstairs
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v0.8.1
Deep Sky
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- Core
- v3.0.8
- Thor Tech
- v0.9.6.4
- Airline Kuisine
- v2.4.3
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.7.2
- v5.0
- 1.2
Omega’s Stockalike Utility Vehicles
- v0.0.32
0.35m SSR MicroSat and Airlaunch Vehicle
- v0.1.3.2
A.P.U.S. Aerospace Passenger and Utility System
- Using KSP v1.7.0 release
- v0.8
- v4.0.4
- v2.1.2
- Using KSP v1.4.1 release
- v0.1.12
- No DLLs just parts
- v1.0.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.0.1.3
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.2.0.7
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v0.0.5.1
- Servo Controller
- v1.2.0
- v1.1.1
- More Servos
- v1.2.0
- v0.3
- v1.2.1
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v1.0.0
- v1.10.1
Fintech Industries Rocket and Aircraft Fins
- v1.1
CRE – Stockalike British Rocketry
- v2.1
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v2.0.1
- v1.8.5
- v2.0.10
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.3.0.3
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.0.2.1
- v1.5
- Abort Packs
- DaMichel’s CargoBays
- Radial Heat Shields
- Custom Clusters
- Extra Docking Ports
- Grond’s Micrometeorite Shield
- Tea Kettle RCS
- H.A.D.D
- GemstoneLV – Stockalike JAXA / NASDA
- Vexarp IVA
- SunkWorks Maritime Technologies
- Rocket Motor Menagerie
- Coriolis Space Systems
- Some Very Alien Stuff
- Blueshift: Kerbal FTL
- Planetside Exploration Technologies
- KSP Part Volumes
- Sandcastle: 3D printing for parts and bases
- Kerbal Heavy Exoskeleton Kit
- Custom Parachute Message
- Far Future Technologies
- Commonwealth Aeronautics “Blue Steel”
- Science Pancake – 2.5m Materials Bay
- Mk-33
- KSI Wheels
- Stockalike Cygnus
- Phoenix Industries
- Bumblebee
- Nice MKseries Body
- Cargo Accelerators
- Mod Pods Extensions
- Wheels Collection
- Transparent Command Pods
- Kerbal Tubes
- Shielded PicoPort
- DaMichels Parts
- REKT Escape Pod
- Heisenberg – Airships Part Pack
- Buffalo
- DeepFreeze cryonic crew storage
- ESLD Jump Beacons
- Dragon Rider
- SABS_IVA: MAS-enabled IVA configs for stock command modules
- ASET IVA for Making History Pods
- DE_IVAExtension
- MOARdVPlus
- Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems
- Diamond Grid Trusses and Containers
- Lionhead Aerospace Circular Solar Panels
- The RAT Pack
- Capsule Corp. L.R.E.
- CommNet Antennas Extension
- Vectura Space Technologies
- Buckminster Kerman’s Grand Designs
- SABR3 Sterling
- Dark Textures
- Space Taxi
- Semiotic Standard for Kerbal Vessels
- Kerbal Flying Saucers
- Universal Aeronautics and Space Systems(UASS)
- Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
- SilverWolf Aoerspace
- Capsule Corp. KKP
- MOIST! Underwater Technologies
- KA-330 Inflatable Space Hotel
- Deep Space Surface Habitat Unit Pack
- K.E.A.M. – Kerbal Expandable Activity Module
- Firma
- Blue Hawk Aerospace
- Coyote Space Industries – Cargo Freighter
- Ballast and Nuclear Submarine
- Omicron – Space Flying Car parts
- Structural Tubing
- SSTU Expansion Pack
- JSat
- KSS Asimov
- Structural Disks
- Stock Launch Pad
- Stack Inline Lights
- MK3 Pod IVA Replacement by Apex
- RKE Kanadarm
- Stock ReBalance
- General Rocketry: Tent
- GlowStrips
- Oblivion Aerospace Pack
- Intui-Tech SRAVE
- Furniture
- Konquest Modular Base
- MunSeeker Greenhouse Mk1
- 3.75m Inflatable Centrifuge
- Tiny Cat Co. Plane Parts
- Mk1-2 Propulsion System
- Aeroshells and Lander Chassis
- Small Cockpits for Spaceplanes and Airliners
- Mk2 Lightning Cockpit for B9 Aerospace
- NASA – Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology (ADEPT)
- Procedural Airships
- Advanced Interior Prop Systems
- HABOne 2.5mt modules
- Sample Return Capsule
- KAS/EVA Portable Science Container and Transmitter
- OSE Workshop – KAS Addon
- Multi-Layer Insulation Blankets: a Skin for FusTek Station Parts
- Modular Rover Parts (RV-X)
- Advanced SRB
- Flywheel Energy Storage
- Stockalike TAC LS Containers
- Corvus -Size 1 two seat command pod
- TACLS Mining
- Soylent
- Stock Hull Section Parts
- Legacy Parts Pack
- RCS Pack
- External Fuel Drop Tanks
- Mk3 Hypersonic Scramjet
- Inline cockpits expansion
- Modular Mk2 Fuselages
- Surface Nav Lights
- C.O.R.E.
- RCS size variants and new options
- T-56 TurboProps
- Modular Anullar Segment System
- Advanced Cockpit
- D12 Aerotech
- The Mun (Pocket Edition)
- 3.75 m Command Pod
- RN Misc Parts
- Yeti Space Program – Large Modular Space Blocks
- Hot Contents Orbital Systems
- RIAC – Resources in a Can
- Methane Rocketry
- ManyProps
- Hanbart-Thompdrin Airbags & Flotation Devices
- Darkona’s Resurrection Project – old mods, new life
- Planet Labs
- Orbital Base Systems
- IVA Everything
- Mother(ships)
- Far From Kerbin
- Bavarian Aerospace Tubes
- Flight Systems Redux
- Aiakos 1 – DLS (Duna Launch System)
- Add on Airlocks
- MaErDa Corp Showcase
- Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems
- FantomWorks KAX+ Part Pack
- Post v1.3.1 upgrade below
- Procedural Wing
- USI Modular Kolonization System
- FusTek Station Parts
- GingerCorp Stock-alike Station Hubs
- Needs a fix for an inverted node:
@PART[SW.StationHub.5] { @node_stack_side0 = -0.9325, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1 }
- Needs a fix for an inverted node:
- AeroKerbin Industries Modified IVAs
- Master Tech Aerospace
- Kerbal Fireworks
- Real Ships
- IndicatorLights
- ‘Project Orion’ Nuclear Pulse Engine
- The Martian Ares Rover
- Porkalike Rapier
- AUC aeronautic mods
- Mk1 Prototype Cockpit
- Stock Replacement Assets
- B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts
- Speedy’s Hex Truss System
- Dusk RTG
- HabTech
- Ion-Hybrid Pack
- D.I.R.E.C.T – Super-Heavy Launchers & Interplanetary Spacecraft
- Bolt-On Mission Probe (BOMP)
- Active Heat Management System
- K.R.X Kerbal Rotor Expansion
- Large Structural/Station Components Redux
- CxAerospace: Stations Parts
- Cormorant Aeronology
- Mk1 Cockpit RPM Internals
- Mobile Frame System
- Standard Propulsion Systems
- Large Boat Parts
- Kerbal Electric
- Shuttle Payload Technologies
- Lack Luster Labs
- LeBeau Space Industries Rocket Factory
- LeBeau Space Industries Avalon STS
- Aerojet Kerbodyne
- HooliganLabs
- Zombie is One More B9-Inspired Expansion
Building Utilities
Show Mods In Use- v1.1.7.2
- v3.4.1.1
- v1.0.5
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.6.0
- Change to Pod group for easier accessibility
@PART[kerbnraptest] { @category = Pods }
- v0.4.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.3.0.1
- v2.4.4.0
- Docs
- Companion Program
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.7.0.1
- v3.6.0
- v0.4.0
- v1.3.8.2
- v2.17.0
- v5.2.0
- Get rid of duplicate parts in the stock categories
@PART[*]:HAS[~category[none],#tags[*cck*]]:FINAL { @category = none }
- v5.13.1
- Using KSP v1.6.0 release
- v0.1.2.2
- v2.1.5
- Using KSP v1.4.1 release
- v0.1
- v0.0.4.1
- v1.4.0.2
- v1.5.1.4
- Crash Kerbal
- AdjustmentTool
- Measurizer
- Conformal Decals
- TweakableEverything
- Interstellar Fuel Switch
- Custom Bulkhead Profiles
- Kerbal Wind Tunnel
- ConsistentVariants
- Decalc’o’mania
- Ext-Seat-Dummy
- Collide-o-Scope
- Crash Dummies
- Amazing Curve Editor
- FairingTextureSwitch
- Stock Fairing Tweaker
- TheWriteStuff
- TAC-LS Calculator
- KerbPaint
- Advanced Tweakables Button
- ReCoupler
- Fusebox
- Fill It Up
- UbioZur Welding Ltd.
Command, Navigation & Control
Show Mods In Use- Using KSP v1.7.0 release
- v3.0.2
- No longer using plugin just parts
- v6.0.2.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.2.1.0
- kOS Addons
- Landing script tips
- Terrain slope detection
- Match velocity burn calculation
- Issue targeting docking ports
- RCS control issue below 0.05
VOID (Vessel Orbital Information Display)
- v1.1.10.2
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v2.4.0.1
- v0.8.8.3
- v1.8.3.2
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.1.6.2
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.8
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v2.21.5.1
- v1.5
- v2.1
- v1.9.0.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v6.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.9.16
- v0.31.3
- Change screen update frequency
- v0.2.1.6
- v1.5.6
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.0.7.2
- v0.1.0
- JxFab Utility Systems
- Steering Options
- SteeringTweaker
- Docking Port Alignment Indicator
- RemoteTech
- AirPark
- IR Sequencer
- RedOnion: Unrestricted in-game scripting
- CommNet Antennas Extension + CommNet Antennas Info
- Dynamic Deflection
- Parking Brake
- Davon Throttle Control
- DockRotate
- Flight Manager for Reusable Stages
- Smart Actuators
- StationKeeping
- EVA Enhancements
- AmpYear
- Nav Utilities/ILS
- ControlHereAG
- FuelCellTweaks
- TankLockRedux
- MFD Revived
- The Undockinator
- kOS-Editor
- Auto Actions
- Kerbal Flight Data
- LaserDist
- Modular Computer Package
- (Atmospheric) Trajectories
- Runway PAPI array
- Telemetry Radio
- Synced Jet Flameouts
- Actions Everywhere
- Elektronics
- SolarSailNavigator
- EVAManager
- ModActions
- RCS+
- Extended Trim
- Docking camera
- Boosteriferous – SRB Thrust Profiles
- Thrust Indication Module
- Precise Maneuver editor
- Kerbal Optical Alignment System
- PreciseNode
- RPM Enhanced Docking Ports
- Kavionics
- AtmosphereAutopilot
- ‘Mk1 Lander Can’ IVA Replacement by ASET
- ProbeControlRoom
- Kerbal Flight Indicators
- kOSPropMonitor
- EVA Parachutes & Ejection Seats
- The Plugin Workshop – Small plugins of varied function
Science & Research
Show Mods In Use- v20.4
DMagic Orbital Science Probe & Rover Pack
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.4.3
- Clarification on impact experiments
- Make scope allow surface attachments:
@PART[dmscope]:FINAL { attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0 }
- v1.8.0
- Removed Dres visit requirement for Dresteroids
- OPM config enhancement
- v1.35.0
- resources sheet
- 0.5.0
- Properties explanation
- v1.1
- Config modified to remove green spot and custom texture
- Biome texture modified to move spot location
- v1.4.1.0
- v3.4.3
- Node overlap fix
- v7.11.0.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v2.6.0
- Compatibility patches
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.8.0
- v1.5.2.3
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v1.2.0.0
Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.9.1
- v1.0
- Material Science Pod
- Science Revisited Revisited
- Probe Science
- KSP Interstellar Extended
- Biome Corrections
- Science Mysteries
- RoverScience
- Baha EPL Redrilled
- Mining and Processing Extension [KIMP]
- Kerbal Botany Expansion
- Kass Effect
- Geology Rocks
- Fuel Science
- Better Science Labs Continued
- Xenon Inductocatalyzer
- Science Hard Drives
- Science!
- SETI, Unmanned before Manned
- Heavy Science
- Kerbal Research & Development
- EveBiomesPlus
- Mkerb Inc. Science Instruments
- DSD Mobile Labs
- Crowd-sourced Science Logs
Sounds, Graphics & Environment
Show Mods In UseVisual Enhancement ID List
- Sun
- Textures: SVE
- Kerbin
- Textures: KSPRC
- Clouds: SVE
- Scatterer: Default
- Mun
- Textures: KSPRC
- Minmus
- Textures: Stock
- Jool
- Textures: SVE v1.1.21
Environmental Visual Enhancements
- v0.0722
- Andromeda Sunflare
- Galileo’s Sun Flares
- brighter atmospheres for Scatterer v0.0256+
- Nighttime clear sky (viewdirOffset set positive)
- Jool config
Show ConfigsScatterer_atmosphere { Jool { displayInterpolatedVariables = True experimentalAtmoScale = 3 mapExtinctionMultiplier = 1 mapExtinctionTint = 0.699999988 mapSkyExtinctionRimFade = 1 _mapExtinctionScatterIntensity = 1 drawSkyOverClouds = True drawOverCloudsAltitude = 100000 mapExposure = 0.0700000003 mapSkyRimExposure = 0.0700000003 cloudColorMultiplier = 5 cloudScatteringMultiplier = 0.075000003 cloudSkyIrradianceMultiplier = 0.00499999989 volumetricsColorMultiplier = 1 mapAlphaGlobal = 1 Rg = 6000000 Rt = 6084904 RL = 6086321 atmosphereGlobalScale = 1 AVERAGE_GROUND_REFLECTANCE = 0.100000001 HR = 10 HM = 1.20000005 BETA_MSca = 0.00400000019,0.00400000019,0.00400000019 m_betaR = 0.00579999993,0.0335000008,0.0131000001 m_mieG = 0.850000024 rimBlend = -20 rimpower = 100 specR = 1 specG = 1 specB = 1 shininess = 10 assetPath = scatterer/config/Planets/Jool/Atmo configPoints { Item { altitude = 1000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.0700000003 skyRimExposure = 0.0700000003 postProcessAlpha = 0.779999971 postProcessDepth = 0.0599999987 postProcessExposure = 0.230000004 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 0 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 skyextinctionGroundFade = 0 openglThreshold = 0 edgeThreshold = 0 viewdirOffset = 0 _Post_Extinction_Tint = 0 postExtinctionMultiplier = 0 _GlobalOceanAlpha = 0 _extinctionScatterIntensity = 1 } Item { altitude = 5000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.0700000003 skyRimExposure = 0.0700000003 postProcessAlpha = 0.779999971 postProcessDepth = 0.100000001 postProcessExposure = 0.230000004 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 0 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 skyextinctionGroundFade = 0 openglThreshold = 0 edgeThreshold = 0 viewdirOffset = 0 _Post_Extinction_Tint = 0 postExtinctionMultiplier = 0 _GlobalOceanAlpha = 0 _extinctionScatterIntensity = 1 } Item { altitude = 55000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.0700000003 skyRimExposure = 0.0700000003 postProcessAlpha = 0.779999971 postProcessDepth = 0.800000012 postProcessExposure = 0.230000004 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 0 skyExtinctionTint = 1 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 skyextinctionGroundFade = 0 openglThreshold = 0 edgeThreshold = 0 viewdirOffset = 0 _Post_Extinction_Tint = 0 postExtinctionMultiplier = 0 _GlobalOceanAlpha = 0 _extinctionScatterIntensity = 1 } Item { altitude = 160000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.0700000003 skyRimExposure = 0.0700000003 postProcessAlpha = 0.779999971 postProcessDepth = 2.4000001 postProcessExposure = 0.230000004 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 0.699999988 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 skyextinctionGroundFade = 0 openglThreshold = 0 edgeThreshold = 0 viewdirOffset = 0 _Post_Extinction_Tint = 0 postExtinctionMultiplier = 0 _GlobalOceanAlpha = 0 _extinctionScatterIntensity = 1 } Item { altitude = 500000 skyAlpha = 1 skyExposure = 0.0700000003 skyRimExposure = 0.0799999982 postProcessAlpha = 0.779999971 postProcessDepth = 2.4000001 postProcessExposure = 0.230000004 skyExtinctionMultiplier = 1 skyExtinctionTint = 0.699999988 skyextinctionRimFade = 0 skyextinctionGroundFade = 0 openglThreshold = 0 edgeThreshold = 0 viewdirOffset = 0 _Post_Extinction_Tint = 0 postExtinctionMultiplier = 0 _GlobalOceanAlpha = 0 _extinctionScatterIntensity = 1 } } } }
- v0.7-pr3
- v1.4.1
- Cloud quality tweak
- v4.2.3
- Scratched visors
- The Martian-inspired suit pack
- Val heads texture pack
- Pood’s skyboxes
- Scart91 Texture Pack
- J’s Legendary Suit Pack
- J’s pack expansion
- Araym’s Stock-alike Specialization Suits
- Unavailable packs reposted
- Omega482 1.5.1 suits pack
- DiverseKerbalLasses
- Bleeding Edge Release 58
- Disable on demand loading
- Random main menu bodies
- View SOIs
- MM changes:
@Kopernicus:FINAL { @Body[Sun] { @ScaledVersion { %Light { // remove (hide, really) stock sunflare %sunLensFlareColor = 0, 0, 0, 0 } } } @Body[Kerbin] { @Properties { // return Kerbin to old pre-v1.0.5 rotation period %rotationPeriod = 21651 } } // get rid of asteroid spawning, use just Custom Asteroids !Asteroid[Stock] {} }
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.8.1.15
- Turning craft into statics
- The Panocean Canal
- Ordinary Konstruction Co
- Using KSP v1.5.1 release
- v1.5.1
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v1.0.1
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v2.0.1
- Using KSP v1.6.1 release
- v0.0.12
- v0.1.23.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v2.2.8
- Custom Asteroids config enhancement
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.0.5
- v1.9.1.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.3.3.3
- v0.5.4
- Using KSP v1.9.0 release
- v1.5.10.25
- v1.1.1
- Stock Textures v1.1.1
- BetterKerbol
- Benjee10’s Historical Kerbal Suits
- Stock Visual Terrain SVO (ScaledVersion Only)
- Partly Colored Suits
- TUFX – Post Processing
- KSCTweaker
- Destruction Effects
- SweetFX
- Kopernicus Expansion
- Pood’s OPM-VO
- The World Beyond
- Asteroid Expansion Package
- Sigma EditorView Recolor
- Stock Visual Terrain
- KerbalKomets
- Kerbin City Restored
- Soundtrack Editor
- Chatterer
- T-MEME Wispy vapour trails
- Athlonic Electronics / LCD – Launch CountDown
- Atmospheric Sound Enhancement
- Interstellar Visual Pack
- Audio Replacement Project
- Kosmodrome
- Real-Asteroids Missions and Bodies pack
- WindowShine
- Docking Sounds
- Revamped Stock Kerbol System
- GalacticNeighborhood
- DynamicSFX
- Astronomer’s Visual Pack: Rebooted
- KSC Shipyard
- Outer Reaches
- BAD-T Arenas and Airfields
- Top Secret Bases
- Kerbol Minor Bodies
- Launch Cooling Systems
- JetSounds
- Hot Rockets
- Enhanced IVA
- Kerbal Minor Bodies
- Trans-Keptunian
- Collision FX
- CoolRockets
- Its the little things mod pack
Camera, Recording & Logging Utilities
Show Mods In Use- v0.2.0.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.14.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v0.20.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.11
- OfCourseIStillLoveYou
- TINU – There Is No Up
- CursorDeleter
- Kerbal CCTV
- Keep It Straight
- Through The Eyes Of A Kerbal
- Camera Focus Changer
- Kerbal Chroma
- Improved Chase Camera
- Graphotron
- Add module to all command parts
@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { MODULE { name = ModuleEnviroSensorPlotter } }
- Add module to all command parts
General Utilities
Show Mods In Use- v4.1.4
- use ? for spaces in part names
- Truncate decimal values
- SRB thrust profiles
- Community stock patches
- Grimm Modlets
@PHYSICSGLOBALS { // // only affects craft in flight not in the editor! @kerbalCrewMass = 0.03125 @autoStrutTechRequired = start }
- v1.8.0.5
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v3.13.0.0
- v1.10.0-3485
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- Alternate resource icons v0.10.3
- vbeta-1
- Using KSP v1.3.0 release
- v2.6.3.8
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.1.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.5.7
- v0.8.0
- v1.10.0.0
- One Window
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v4.0
- EVA Struts
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v6.0
- EVA Resource Transfer
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v9.0
- Flexible Docking
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v8.0
- Making Less History
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.0
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.9.2
- Using KSP v1.7.3 release
- v1.2.0.0
- Kopernicus Version
- v1.81.4
- v1.1.0.1
Persistent File Backup Generator
- Using KSP v0.23.5 release
- v0.3.1
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.7.0
- v3.7.5
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.1.6.3
- Using KSP v1.8.1 release
- v1.5.4
PAWS – Part Action Window Sorter-Outer
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v2.0.0.2
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.1.8
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v1.4.2.2
- Using KSP v1.8.0 release
- v1.5.5
- v0.1.10.14
- v0.1.9.4
- v2.2.2.1
- Using KSP v1.8.0 release
- v0.22
- v0.6.6.0
- Using KSP v1.9.1 release
- v0.2.1.1
- v0.0.5
- v1.2.3
- v1.8.3.1
- v0.0.3.1
- v0.0.2
- v0.22.4.3
- v1.4.0.8
- Alarm Enhancements
- KSPCommunityFixes – Bugfixes and QoL tweaks
- Heap Padder
- WorldStabilizer
- Mod Assembly Dll Loading Anomaly Detector
- Pangolin Mechanics Toolkit
- Settings Master
- LoadingScreenManager
- BetterLoadSaveGame
- Early Bird
- Notes
- KerboKatz – SmallUtilities
- Anti-gravity room
- Crew Portraits
- Magico13’s Modlets
- Easy Vessel Switch
- Persistent Dynamic Pod Names
- DebugStuff
- Tracking Center Resource Details
- Stock Bug Fix Modules
- WalkAbout
- Kerbulator
- BetterTimeWarp
- UpgradesGUI
- LoadingTipsPlus
- Kerbal Animation Suite
External Applications/Services
Show ModsInstallation Order Log
Note: Anything listed after the latest KSP version is not currently installed, but has been in the past and likely will be in the future. Red mods are in need of an update
Show log[12/30/20] Antenna Helper (v1.0.7.2)
[12/30/20] CommNet Constellation (v1.5.6)
[12/30/20] L-Tech Science Industries (v0.5.2)
[12/28/20] SpaceTux Library (v0.0.5)
[12/28/20] Ferram Aerospace Research (v0.16.0.1)
[12/28/20] PartInfo (v0.0.4.1)
[12/28/20] Kerbalism (v3.12)
[12/28/20] MAD – Aerospace Parts (v0.6.1)
[12/28/20] Surface Mounted Lights (v1.16)
[12/28/20] Haystack Continued (v0.5.6.5)
[12/28/20] Stock eXTension (v0.3.29.5)
[12/28/20] RealPlume (v13.3.2)
[12/28/20] RealPlume Stock Configs (v4.0.3)
[12/28/20] Luciole (v1.5)
[12/28/20] KSP Alternate Resource Panel (v2.10.0.0)
[12/28/20] Minor Planets Expansion (v1.0.5)
[12/28/20] Tracking Lights (v0.0.2.1)
[12/28/20] Radial Engine for spacecraft – T.G.O.L group (v1.1)
[12/28/20] Mk2 Expansion (v1.8.9.3)
[12/28/20] Part Wizard (v1.3.8.1)
[12/28/20] Internal RCS (v1.2)
[12/28/20] Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts (v0.2.0.2)
[12/28/20] KW Rocketry Rebalanced (v3.2.7.1)
[12/28/20] Knes (v1.8.2)
[12/28/20] Engine Lighting (v1.6.3)
[12/28/20] KrakenScience (v1.0)
[12/28/20] PWB Fuel Balancer (v0.2.1.6)
[12/28/20] NodeHelper (v1.5.1.4)
[12/28/20] CSA Contares ‘EYE’ (2.0.10)
[12/28/20] Rocket Emporium (v1.8.5)
[12/28/20] CRE – Stockalike British Rocketry (v2.1)
[12/28/20] Duna Direct (v1.10.1)
[12/28/20] Panel Party (v1.0.0)
[12/28/20] Restock (v1.2.1)
[12/28/20] Interkosmos (v0.3)
[12/28/20] Breaking Ground Mini Mods – More Servos (v1.2.0)
[12/28/20] Breaking Ground Mini Mods – SLOTH (v1.1.1)
[12/28/20] Breaking Ground Mini Mods – Servo Controller (v1.2.0)
[12/28/20] Eskandare Aerospace (v0.0.5.1)
[12/28/20] Deployable Batteries (v0.2.0.7)
[12/28/20] AIES Patches (v0.0.1.3)
[12/28/20] Procedural Fairings (v1.8.1)
[12/28/20] Kerbal Attachment System (v1.6)
[12/28/20] Comfortable Landing (v1.7.0)
[12/28/20] Modular Rocket Systems (v1.13.2)
[12/28/20] A.P.U.S. Aerospace Passenger and Utility System (v0.8)
[12/28/20] Tracking Station Evolved (v6.0)
[12/28/20] Cryogenic Engines Pack (v1.2.0)
[12/28/20] ImprovedHeatShields (v0.2)
[12/28/20] PAWS – Part Action Window Sorter-Outer (v2.0)
[12/28/20] “Streamline” Engines, Fueltanks and RCS (v1.2)
[12/28/20] Universal Storage II (v1.9.1.2)
[12/28/20] BoxSat (vA.02f)
[12/28/20] Rocket Sound Enhancement (v0.5.4)
[12/28/20] Kaboom (v1.2.0.0)
[12/28/20] Ambient Light Adjustment (v2.6.3.8)
[12/28/20] Moar Mk1 (v0.3)
[12/28/20] Glass Panes and Enclosures (v1.9)
[12/28/20] Radial Engine Mounts (v0.41)
[12/28/20] HotSpot (v0.8.0)
[12/28/20] Reentry Particle Effect (v1.9.1.1)
[12/28/20] Ship Manifest (v6.0.2.0)
[12/28/20] EVA handrails (v0.3.0.3)
[12/28/20] Connected Living Space (v2.0.0.5)
[12/28/20] Feline Utility Rovers (v1.2.11)
[12/28/20] PanzerLabs AeroSpace K-Sat Series (v1.1.1)
[12/28/20] Dr. Jet’s Chop Shop (v0.11.4.5)
[12/28/20] Deep Sky Core (v3.1.0)
[12/28/20] Thor Tech (v0.9.6.8)
[12/28/20] Airline Kuisine (v2.4.3)
[12/28/20] Korda Industries RTG (v1.1)
[12/28/20] Ablative-Airbrake (v1.0.1)
[12/28/20] Wyvern crew capsule (v0.5)
[12/28/20] Radial Stack Separator (v1.2.1)
[12/28/20] Heat Control (v0.5.3)
[12/28/20] Dr. Kermnassus’ Parts Emporium (v0.0.1)
[12/28/20] Version2.0 Industries Rovers Pack (v2.0.0)
[12/28/20] Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science (v0.9.1)
[12/28/20] Solar Science (v1.2.0.0)
[12/28/20] CactEye Telescope (v1.5.2.3)
[12/28/20] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System (v4.4)
[12/28/20] Mk1 Cabin Hatch (v1.0.1)
[12/28/20] Mk3 Mini Expansion Pack (v1.0)
[12/28/20] Kerbal Hacks – Asphalt Tiles (v1.2)
[12/28/20] Kerbal Hacks – Portable Science Crate (v1.0)
[12/28/20] Kerbal Hacks – Droptank “Wrapper” (v1.0)
[12/28/20] NanoKube (v2.2.3)
[12/28/20] Kip Engineering – Universal Docking Ports (v1.1.1)
[12/28/20] Kip Engineering – Non-Androgynous Docking Port Set (v0.2)
[12/28/20] Multipurpose Express Pallet System (v0.5)
[12/28/20] Grounded (v5.0)
[12/28/20] NRAP Adjustable Weight (v1.6.0)
[12/28/20] KSPAPIExtensions (v2.2.2.1)
[12/28/20] USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies (v1.4.0)
[12/28/20] Community Tech Tree (v3.4.3)
[12/28/20] JoolBiomes (v1.1)
[12/28/20] Adjustable Mod Panel (v1.5.5)
[12/28/20] FlagRotate (v1.1.8)
[12/28/20] PhysicalTimeRatioViewer (v1.5.4)
[12/28/20] TooManyOrbits (v1.1.6.3)
[12/28/20] VesselMover (v1.10.0.0)
[12/28/20] Kronal Vessel Viewer (v0.1.1)
[12/28/20] Final Frontier (v1.10.0-3485)
[12/28/20] Kerbal Alarm Clock (v3.13.0.0)
[12/28/20] Persistent Trails (v1.11)
[12/28/20] Camera Tools (v1.14.0)
[12/28/20] TAC Fuel Balancer (v2.21.5.1)
[12/28/20] Action Groups Extended (v2.4.0.1)
[12/28/20] WasdEditorCamera Continued (v0.7.0.1)
[12/28/20] Part Angle Display (v0.4.1)
[12/27/20] RCS Build Aid (v1.0.5)
[12/27/20] Editor Extensions Redux (v3.4.1.1)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Engineer Redux (v1.1.7.2)
[12/27/20] Waypoint Manager (v2.8.2.6)
[12/27/20] Realistic Atmospheres (v1.3.2)
[12/27/20] Distant Object Enhancement (v2.0.1.1)
[12/27/20] Mark IV Spaceplane System (v3.1.2)
[12/27/20] Custom Barn Kit (v1.1.20.0)
[12/27/20] MandatoryRCS (v1.8)
[12/27/20] AnimatedAttachment (v2.1.5)
[12/27/20] Modular Launch Pads (v2.1.2)
[12/27/20] Precise Editor (v1.4.0.2)
[12/27/20] Blast Awesomeness Modifier (v1.3.3.3)
[12/27/20] 0.35m SSR MicroSat and Airlaunch Vehicle (v0.1.3.2)
[12/27/20] USI Exploration Pack (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] Bahamuto Dynamics (v1.3.6)
[12/27/20] Talisar Parts (v1.3.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic’s Modlets – Making Less History (v1.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic’s Modlets – EVA Resource Transfer (v9.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic’s Modlets – EVA Struts (v6.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic’s Modlets – Flexible Docking (v8.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic’s Modlets – One Window (v4.0)
[12/27/20] JSI Advanced Transparent Pods (v0.1.23.0)
[12/27/20] DMagic Orbital Science (v1.4.3)
[12/27/20] SCANsat (v20.4)
[12/27/20] Part Commander (v1.1.6.2)
[12/27/20] Hangar Extender (v3.6.0)
[12/27/20] LightsOut (v0.3.0.1)
[12/27/20] Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] Decoupler Shroud (v0.7.2)
[12/27/20] Wild Blue Tools (v1.81.4)
[12/27/20] Mark One Laboratory Extensions (v1.25.0)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Reusability Expansion (v2.8.6)
[12/27/20] Mk3 Expansion (v1.5.1)
[12/27/20] SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts (v0.2.0.1)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Inventory System (v1.27)
[12/27/20] NSS/OctoSat-SOAR (v0.1.14.1)
[12/27/20] JX2Antenna (v2.0.5)
[12/27/20] Triple-Z Radio Astronomy Telescope (v1.0.5)
[12/27/20] PicoPort (v0.1.6.3)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Dust Experiment (v2.0.0)
[12/27/20] RetractableLiftingSurface (v0.2.1.1)
[12/27/20] Stork Delivery System (v0.0.5.0)
[12/27/20] Inline Ballutes (v1.2.11.2)
[12/27/20] PEBKAC Industries: Launch Escape System (v1.4.2)
[12/27/20] OPT Reconfig (v2.2)
[12/27/20] OPT Legacy (v2.1.1)
[12/27/20] OPT Space Plane (v2.1)
[12/27/20] Malemute Rover (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] ION RCS & Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (v0.1.10.0)
[12/27/20] Eve Optimized Engines (v3.0.1)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Atomics (v1.2.1)
[12/27/20] Stockalike Mining Extension (v1.1.6)
[12/27/20] Community Category Kit (v5.2.0)
[12/27/20] Mk1 Cargo Bay (v1.3)
[12/27/20] BDAnimationModules (v0.6.6.0)
[12/27/20] USI Freight Transport Technologies (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] Tarsier Space Technology (v7.11.0.0)
[12/27/20] Mk-X Spaceplane Parts (v0.1.1)
[12/27/20] AnimatedDecouplers (v1.4.2.2)
[12/27/20] Service Module System (v4.0.4)
[12/27/20] SDHI Strobe-O-Matic Warning Rotator Light (v1.0.1)
[12/27/20] USI Sounding Rockets (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] NovaPunch (v0.1.7.1)
[12/27/20] Simple Adjustable Fairings Plugin (v1.11.0)
[12/27/20] Simple Adjustable Fairings Parts (v1.3.0)
[12/27/20] Bluedog Design Bureau (v1.7.1)
[12/27/20] Hullcam VDS (v0.2.0.1)
[12/27/20] Smart Parts (1.9.16)
[12/27/20] RealChute Parachute Systems (v1.4.8)
[12/27/20] Aviation Lights (v4.1.1)
[12/27/20] Dmagic Science Animate (v0.22)
[12/27/20] Coatl Aerospace Probes Plus
[12/27/20] Archtagon Aerospace (v1.1.1)
[12/27/20] Konstruction (v1.4.0)
[12/27/20] kOS (v1.2.1.0)
[12/27/20] ZeroMiniAVC (v1.1.0.1)
[12/27/20] TweakScale (v2.4.4.0)
[12/27/20] RLA Reborn (v0.15.2)
[12/27/20] Omega’s Stockalike Utility Vehicles (v0.0.32)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Actuators (v1.8.3.1)
[12/27/20] Deployable Engines (v1.2.3)
[12/27/20] Near Future Aeronautics (v2.1.0)
[12/27/20] Near Future Exploration (v1.1.1)
[12/27/20] Near Future Spacecraft (v1.4.1)
[12/27/20] Near Future Construction (v1.3.1)
[12/27/20] Near Future Solar (v1.3.0)
[12/27/20] Near Future Electrical (v1.2.1)
[12/27/20] Near Future Propulsion (v1.3.1)
[12/27/20] Near Future Launch Vehicles (v2.1.2)
[12/27/20] Textures Unlimited (v1.5.10.25)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Foundries (v2.4.8.18)
[12/27/20] KSP Wheel (v0.16.14.33)
[12/27/20] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Next (v4.1.15)
[12/27/20] Infernal Robotics Next (v3.0.2)
[12/27/20] Firespitter (v7.17.0)
[12/27/20] SmokeScreen (v2.8.14.0)
[12/27/20] B9PartSwitch (v2.17.0)
[12/27/20] B9AnimationModules (v1.7.0)
[12/27/20] B9 Aerospace Pack (v6.6.0)
[12/27/20] B9 HX Reconfig (v1.0.0)
[12/27/20] HyperEdit (vbeta-1)
[12/27/20] Parallax (v1.1.1)
[12/27/20] Environmental Visual Enhancements (v1.11.1.1)
[12/27/20] Scatterer (v0.0722)
[12/27/20] Texture Replacer (v4.2.3)
[12/27/20] Module Manager (v4.1.4)
[12/27/20] Modular Flight Integrator (v1.2.7)
[12/27/20] Kopernicus (Bleeding Edge Release 58)
[12/26/20] Outer Planets Mod (v2.2.8)
[12/26/20] Community Resource Pack (v1.4.1.0)
[12/26/20] Persistent File Backup Generator (v0.3.1)
[12/26/20] Toolbar Plugin (v1.8.0.5)
[12/26/20] Toolbar Controller (v0.1.9.4)
[12/26/20] Click Through Blocker (v0.1.10.14)
[12/26/20] KSP v1.10.1 w/ MH & BG
[5/1/20] KSP v1.9.1 w/ MH & BG
[1/27/20] KSP v1.8.1 w/ MH & BG
[8/2/19] KSP v1.7.3 w/ MH & BG
[4/19/19] KSP v1.6.1 w/ MH
[11/25/18] KSP v1.5.1 w/ MH
[8/7/18] KSP v1.4.5 w/ MH
[12/24/17] KSP v1.3.1
[2/7/17] KSP v1.2.2
[11/1/16] KSP v1.2.1
[10/11/16] KSP v1.2
[6/21/16] KSP v1.1.3
[5/3/16] KSP v1.1.2